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Selectmen Minutes 12/01/2009
Chichester Board of Selectmen
Minutes of Meeting
December 1, 2009

Members present:  Stephen MacCleery, Jeffrey Jordan, and Richard DeBold
Others Present:  Nancy Tanner (Town Administrator),  Bob Mann, Gil Vien, Pat Clarke, Richard Halloran, Bruce Dyke, Lisa Drouse, Norm LaRochelle, Scott Marsden, John Martell, Mike Paviglio, Jason Weir, John Dever, Tom Jameson, Richard Moore and Stephen Stock

Chairman MacCleery opened the meeting at 7:00PM.

Budget Meetings

Conservation:  Bob Mann was present to discuss the Conservation budget.  There was discussion on the secretarial line item.  The commission has not spent $900 since 2007.  Bob Mann and Mr. Jordan feel the commission may be busy next year and will require the $900.  Mr. MacCleery proposes making that line $600.  

Planning Board:  Tom Jameson was present to discuss the Planning Board Budget.  There was discussion on line 4191-15.  It was reduced from $3,000 to $1,500 Tom Jameson explained there was $1,500 spent in 2009 for a project that would not reoccur in 2010.  There was an increase of $500 in the legal expense line.  The PB has not been spending that much on legal.  Mr. Jameson explained the increase was due to a work force housing issue and he thought they would need the additional funding.  

ZBA:  There was a reduction in secretarial expense of $500 under the 2009 budget.  Mr. Weir pointed out that the PB and ZBA has (since 2007) not spent half of their budget.

Building Inspector/Health:  There was discussion as to whether to revenues from permit fees were covering the expenses.  Mr. Dever thought revenues would be down because permits were down. Nancy will check the numbers.  There was an increase in the salary line because the building inspector’s hours have increased.  John Dever would like the mileage figured changed from $1,000 to $1,200.  There was discussion as to whether or not it would be beneficial to have a town vehicle.  It would be hard to justify a town vehicle when our expense for mileage is only $1,200.  
There was discussion the Health Officers expense line and whether training for the Building Insp/Health Officer should be in the Selectmen’s budget.  Nancy will research.  Mr. Dever would like the HO expense line to be $250
Nancy reminded the Selectmen of the discussion in early fall regarding the possibility of having a warrant article for mosquito spraying to minimize the EEE risk.

Park and Recreation:  Park and Rec has presented a level budget.  They are planning improvement to the playground area such as painting the pavilion and updating the playground with wood chips.  

Fire:  Chief Vien presented the budget.  There was much discussion on the Loudon subsidy.  Loudon now has the ability to cover more shifts.  As of this date they have not increased their fees.  Chief Vien feels there may be an increase coming down the line.  Chief Vien decreased the Ambulance payroll amount due to Loudon’s extra coverage.  There was discussion the infection control line.  Nancy will check to see if bills associated with accidental exposure would be covered under worker’s compensation insurance.  
The budget committee asked Chief Vien to provide a breakdown of miles per vehicle.  Chief Vien will provide these figures.  There was discussion the volunteer recognition program.  Chief Vien explained that the program was set up to encourage training.  It works on a points system.  
Item 4220-33 – Mr. Vien has a project in mind for that next year $1,000
There was much discussion on the electricity line item.  That line has been overspent in the past.  Gil attributed in to problems in the building that have been rectified.  

Other Business

Police Department:  Chief Clarke asked to speak to the Selectmen and Budget Committee again regarding the costs associated with filling a vacant position.  Chief Clarke presented two options and the costs associated with each.  Option 1 consists of hiring a certified police officer at a competitive wage and bringing our other officers pay to parity.  Option 2 consists of hiring a non-certified officer and sending that person to the academy.  Ms. Drouse suggested that we look at twelve hour shifting.  She feels that many officers like the twelve hour shifts and that may help us to attract candidates.  Police Officers in Chichester do not typically stay long.  Chief Clarke estimates average longevity to be about 5 years.  Chief Clarke feels our pay scale is lower than the surrounding towns.
Pursuant to RSA 91-A:3 II (c), a motion was made by Mr. MacCleery and seconded by Mr. Jordan to enter into non-public session to discuss a personnel issue.  A roll call vote was taken:  MacCleery – Yea, Jordan –Yea, DeBold - Yea.  Motion passes.

Pursuant to RSA 91-A:3, a motion was made by Mr. MacCleery and seconded by Mr. DeBold to exit the non-public session at 9:30 pm.  A roll call vote was taken:  MacCleery – Yea, Jordan – Yea.  Motion passes.

Forestry:   Warden Stock presented the Selectmen with the reappointment paperwork for the Warden and Deputy Wardens.  Mr. DeBold would like to see a better balance.  He said that Warden Stock does a good job of sticking to the rules, but has been more aggressive than other Wardens the Town has had. The Selectmen will discuss it at their meeting next week.  
Warden Stock would like to recognize Randy Harris for fifteen years of service and Frank Hatch Sr. for 46 years as a Deputy Warden.  
The Selectmen asked the Warden about the Theresa Brown issue from last week and the circumstances surrounding the second fire which resulted in a warning for Ms. Brown.  Warden Stock said he did not issue Ms. Brown a bill that time because of the circumstances surrounding the fire discovery.  However, he did issue her a warning because there was still ash smoldering, there was no fire suppression equipment present, and the fire was unattended.  
Mr. DeBold inquired about a situation such as Ms. Browns were she believed the fire was out and it may have gone underground and re-fired later.  How would a person know and should they be given the benefit of the doubt.  Warden Stock explained that fire fighters are training how to spot an underground fire.  He agreed that sometimes there are circumstances and he does take that into account when issuing fines and warnings.  
Warden Stock gave the Selectmen a copy of a letter he sent out to Arthur Presby regarding fees owed to the Town.  

Comcast:  The Selectmen received a letter from Comcast requesting a meeting.  Nancy will arrange a meeting time with the cable committee.  

Budget:  The Selectmen would like to review their proposed budget at their meeting next week.  

Accounts payable and payroll were approved.

A motion by Mr. MacCleery and seconded by Mr. Jordan to adjourn the meeting at 9:58 pm.  Motion passes.

Respectfully submitted,

Nancy Tanner

____________________________    ___________________________     __________________________
Stephen MacCleery, Sr., Chairman        Jeffrey Jordan                          Richard DeBold